Purchase Options

Ready to Subscribe or Renew?

NEW! Now you can sign up for a new InfoMAX Home Health Premier and Physician Reports account, add counties to your existing account, and renew your account instantly onlineClick here!

  • Clients can pay for their InfoMAX accounts via monthly credit card installments or one annual payment.
    • For example, if your annual account costs $1200, now you can pay $100 / month - enter your credit card information once, and we'll take care of the rest with auto-monthly billing. No addtional fees.
    • Or, select Annual Payment to pay $1200 at once (in the same budget cycle) - enter your credit card information once, and we'll take care of the rest with auto-annual billing. No additional fees.
  • Automatically renew your subscription, saving time and avoiding lapses in service. Using the above link, we'll renew your annual subscription until you tell us to discontinue it.


To purchase other products (besides InfoMAX Home Health Premier and Physician Reports accounts) or pay custom invoices, please use the options below: 

  • Click here to pay an invoice or other custom amount.


Questions?  Please call 719-209-1237.